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Polytrichum Moss (Polytrichum strictum)


Like other species in the Polytrichaceae, Polytrichum strictum has leaves with a single costa, vertical lamellae, a water-repelling cuticle, and rhizoids that appear to facilitate external water movement in addition to anchoring the plant. Dense tufts of slender stems from 6-12 cm form 20-40 cm hummocks in bogs and similar substrates. Leaves are narrowly lanceolate, appressed to the stem when dry and spreading to erect when moist.The reddish awn (formed by the slightly excurrent costa) and smooth, inrolled leaf margins separate P. strictum from other Polytrichum species; only juniper haircap moss (P. juniperinum) shares these attributes. P. strictum, however, can be easily distinguished by the wooly-tomentose white rhizoids that extend up its stems (absent in P. juniperinum), as well as its boggy habitat and predilection for organic soils (in contrast to the weedy nature and preference for mineral soils that characterize P. juniperinum).

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum: Bryophyta

        • Class: Bryopsida

          • Order: Polytrichales

            • Family: Polytrichaceae

              • Genus: Polytrichum