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Pellia epiphylla (Pellia epiphylla)


Pellia epiphylla has medium-sized (often 1 cm or more wide), rather featureless thalli. The midrib is rather ill-defined, the margin is not differentiated into a distinct wing, and the surface lacks an angular network of cells visible on the surface of the thallus. In P. epiphylla the thalli are sparingly branched and come in various shades of green, sometimes with reddish or purplish tinges. The species is monoicous, with male organs resembling tiny volcanoes scattered in a broad row along the line of the midrib, and a vertical flap surrounding the female organs on the same thallus.

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum: Hepaticophyta

        • Class: Jungermanniopsida

          • Order: Pelliales

            • Family: Pelliaceae

              • Genus: Pellia