Chrysosplenium trichospermum (Chrysosplenium trichospermum)
They are trees;-branches, inflorescences, undersides of leaves, the midrib and nerves in the beam indumento oftrichomes-stellate;-Dioic-plants-.-Leaves ovate-lanceolate, whole margin or more commonly serrulate, frequently serrated-glandular, lateral basal nerves almost as developed as the main nerve, 2 or 3 pairs of smaller lateral nerves in the apical half of the lamina, curved and united near to Margin, tertiary nerves more or less parallel between the main nerve and the basal sides, 5-7 sublateral nerves between the basal sides and the margin,domains-frequently present in the armpits of the nerves;-Stipules-.-Paniculiform or umbelliform, axillary or terminal inflorescences, deciduous bractae, absent epicalis, 5-mer flowers;-Sepals free, deciduous;-Petals more or less ligulate, somewhat shorter than the sepals, retinae to bifid at the apex, pinkish-whitish or bluish-purple, base with a large gland rounded to lobate;-Androgynophore naked, crowned by a wavy and thickly velvety urticola surrounding the base of the stamens, stamens 15 (staminodes present in pistillate flowers), free filaments, anthers subglobosas, mediifixes, versatile, longitudinal dehiscence;-Super ovary (rudimentary pistilodium present in staminate flowers), sessile on androgynophore,locular, numerous ovules per lobe.-Fruit capsule compressed in the opposite direction of the partition, coriaceous, with loculicidal dehiscence almost to the base by 2 valves;-Numerous seeds, discoid, long ciliated in the margin.-
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Saxifragales
Family: Saxifragaceae
Genus: Chrysosplenium