Ronabea emetica (Ronabea emetica)
They are rhizomatous herbs or sufútices,that reach a size of up to 1 m of height,shortly pilos to labels.Leaves elliptic-oblanceolate,7-15 cm long and 2-5 cm wide,apex acute to acuminate,base cuneate to obtuse,papyraceae.Inflorescences axillary,subcapitated,2 peduncles per knot,3-15 mm long,triangular bracts,1-2 mm long,flowers 3-10;calico limbo 1-1.5 mm long,lobed;corundum infundibuliforme,white,tube 2-4 mm long,wolves 1.5-2 mm long.Ellipsoid fruits,8-10 mm long and 4-6 mm wide,black;pyrenes 2,smooth.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Gentianales
Family: Rubiaceae
Genus: Ronabea