Fargesia denudata (Fargesia denudata)
Similar to Fargesia murielae in form and color, F. denudata has shorter branches and smaller leaves, which cause the gracefully arching canes to stand out individually. Although not as hardy as F. murielae, it is hardy to -10°F. Unlike F. murielae and F. nitida, it does not have leaves that yellow and drop in the fall, making it a greener plant through the winter. Like other Fargesias, it is a clumping bamboo and is happy with some protection from hot afternoon sun. It is mostly suitable for areas that have the cooling in nighttime hours more common in Northern states, not in Southern states.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Fargesia