Anthoxanthum rariflorum (Anthoxanthum rariflorum)
Anthoxanthum, commonly known as hornwort,vernal grasses, or vernalgrasses,(Latinised Greek for "yellow blossom"), is a genus of plants in the grass family.Jepson Manual Treatment The members of Anthoxanthum are widespread in temperate and subtropical parts of Africa and Eurasia, with a few species in tropical mountains. Some species have become naturalized in Australia, New Zealand, and the Americas. Anthoxanthum odoratum is a common species of acidic grassland and bogs in northern Europe. All the species reportedly contain the compound coumarin, used medicinally in many countries.The genus Hierochloe is included in Anthoxanthum by some recent authors. Others, however, continue to treat them as separate genera, and we provisionally treat them as such here pending further research.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Anthoxanthum