Cuthbert'S Turtlehead (Chelone cuthbertii)
Perennial herb 16 - 39 inches (40 - 100 cm) tall. Leaves 2 - 5 inches (5 - 12 cm) long and - - 2 inch (1 - 5 cm) wide, lance-shaped with rounded bases, slightly toothed edges, and no leaf stalks; hairless except along veins, pale green on the lower surface. Flower spikes distinctly 4-sided when viewed from above. Flowers - - 1- inches (2 - 3 cm) long, pinkishpurple, tubular, inflated, two-lipped and nearly closed at the tip; inside the flower is a tuft of yellow hairs, 4 fertile stamens, and a short, purple, sterile stamen. Fruit about - inch (1 cm) long, oval, with many flat, round, winged seeds.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Plantaginaceae
Genus: Chelone