Cynorkis jumelleana jumelleana (Cynorkis jumelleana jumelleana)
Plants thin,20-40 cm tall,tubers 2,oblong,leaf single,banal,narrowly oblong-lingulate or lingulate (6-14 x 1-1.8 cm),attenuate gradually toward the base,scape bearing pedicellate glands and several distant sheaths,limbuses longly acute.Inflorescence to 10 cm long,10-30 flowered,very densely arraigned,unilateral or nearly so,bracts lanceolate-acuminate,half as long as the pedicel;flowers white or violet,small (11 mm with the pedicel generally),hearing several small pedicellate glands on the rachis and external parts of the flowers.Median sepal narrowly oval,attenuate to an obtuse beak,5-6 mm long,laterals oblong,obtuse,3 veined and of the same length.Petals as long,oblong-lanceolate,2 veined and with the rear margin slightly dilate above the base.Labellum 6 mm long,dilate above the narrow base,deeply trilobed,to 5.Smln wide between the lobes;lateral lobes narrowly oblong,a third the size of the median;median compressed basally,then widely flabelliform,obcordate and obscurely apiculate medially in front;spur conical,very short (2.5-3 mm),very wide (1.5 mm) at its oriface and attenuate from its base to its apex.Anther l mm tall,channel and cauda l mm Long,viscidiums flat,white,ovoid and slightly thick,0.3 mm long,situated toward the apex of the rostellum.Rostellum with 4 sinuate teeth on its apical edge.Stigmas entirely adnate.Pedicel covered with pedicellate glands,generally 5 mm long.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Genus: Cynorkis