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Jatropha lagarinthoides (Jatropha lagarinthoides)


“Pet poisonous” – Toxic parts: seeds Jatropha lagarinthoides is a turtle plant species described by Otto Wilhelm Sonder . Jatropha lagarinthoides are included in the genus Jatropha and the family of turmeric plants . Jatropha-is a-genus-of-flowering plants-in the-spurge-family,-Euphorbiaceae. The name is derived from the-Greek-words ------ (iatros), meaning "physician", and ----- (trophe), meaning "nutrition", hence the common name-physic nut. Another common name is-nettlespurge.-It contains approximately 170 species of-succulent plants,-shrubs-and trees (some are-deciduous, like-Jatropha curcas). Most of these are native to the-Americas, with 66 species found in the-Old World.-Plants produce-separate-male and female-flowers.

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum:

        • Class: Magnoliopsida

          • Order: Malpighiales

            • Family: Euphorbiaceae

              • Genus: Jatropha