Caliche Sandmat (Euphorbia velleriflora)
Euphorbia velleriflora , is a species flowering plant belonging to the family of cacti . It is native to northern and central Mexico to Guatemala .It is a herbaceous plant , with long white hairs. It reaches up to 30 cm in length. The stem is creeping, very branched, without leaves in its basal part. The leaves are opposite, up to 1 cm long, ovate to almost quadrangular, with the asymmetric base and the rounded apex , with the sawed margin. The inflorescence with the flowers grouped in the armpits of the leaves.The flowers of these plants are very modified; The structure that looks like a flower , that is to say the one that carries the ovary and the stamens , is in fact an inflorescence called ciatio , that inside it carries numerous masculine flowers (represented exclusively by naked stamens ) and a female flower (represented by an ovary With 3 short styles , each divided into 2 branches, ovary over a long column); These ciatios are cup-shaped, green or reddish, with 4 glands at its edge. The fruit is a trilobada capsule that when ripening is separated into 3 parts,Special Features: With plenty of milky liquid ( latex ) that gushes out of any wound.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Euphorbia