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Chayote (Sechium edule)


The chayotera ( Sechium edule ) or guatila is a cucurbitaceae'l so frutu ( chayote, papa del aire, chuchu, achojcha among the other names) and d'usuuuu as hortoliza. They are climbing plants, robust; Tarmos robust, sparsely pubescent to almost glabros. Large, long-range ovaes or pentagonal beans, 9.5-18 cm long and 11-21.5 cm wide, deeply roped, inconspicuously denticulate or sinuate-denticulate, cardiac, scapular-pointed in the fexe, more or less curly-pubescents at glabres nerves of viesu, moderately cut 3-7-palmatilobaes, the largest central lobe, long triangular long ovale, short acumináu, apiculado; Petioles 3.5-18 cm long, sparsely curly-pubescent or glabros; thick, 3-5-branched shakes. Stamen flowers 10-15 or more, prepared in the recipes compound, 5-26 cm long, peduncle 3.5-12 cm long, pedicels 1-3 mm long, pubescent, long cupuliform hipanto, little fondu, 1-3 mm of long, sepals triangular to llanceolaos, 2.5-4.5 mm long, oblong petals, 4-8.5 mm long, white to white, green, sacctine nectaries, ablayaos; flowers pistillates 1-2, subspaces on the axis of axillary peduncles of 2-19 mm long, sepals 3.5-9 mm long, petals such as flowers stamens, ovoid ovary, rostra, finely pubescent, 5-12 mm long, soft or sly spiny. Fruto carnosu, globosu to piriform, 7-20 cm long and 3.5-4 cm anchu, terete or longitudinally sulcáu, inerme or variantmente espinosu, verde a blancu; Estruyíes grains, 3-5 cm long, grazing inside the fruit. 5-9 mm in length, petals such as flower stalks, ovoid ovary, rostra, finely pubescent, 5-12 mm long, smooth or sternly thorny. Fruto carnosu, globosu to piriform, 7-20 cm long and 3.5-4 cm anchu, terete or longitudinally sulcáu, inerme or variantmente espinosu, verde a blancu; Estruyíes grains, 3-5 cm long, grazing inside the fruit. 5-9 mm in length, petals such as flower stalks, ovoid ovary, rostra, finely pubescent, 5-12 mm long, smooth or sternly thorny. Fruto carnosu, globosu to piriform, 7-20 cm long and 3.5-4 cm anchu, terete or longitudinally sulcáu, inerme or variantmente espinosu, verde a blancu; Estruyíes grains, 3-5 cm long, grazing inside the fruit. It has a color that goes from green draining to green claru or light mariellu almost whitish. Ye unu of the fruits that most help the caltenimientu and cuidu of the hair, skin and uñes. When ta tienru presents a pollencu pullen and hard consistency. Can be covered by scams or non. The chayote ensin escayos have a smoother appearance and may present fewer crevices than the chayote with scales. Each chayote has a broad and flat grana , called pebida , which is edible more than the magaya . Commonly the chayotes weigh in redol to the 500 grams , although some arrive to weigh up to 2 kilograms . Sechium Edule is a cucumber tree described first by Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin , and now became known as Olof Swartz . Sechium edule is part of the genus Sechium and the family cucumbers. Swedish names include "pärongurka", "vegetable pear" and "Mexicogurka".

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum: Magnoliophyta

        • Class: Magnoliopsida

          • Order: Cucurbitales

            • Family: Cucurbitaceae

              • Genus: Sechium