Nerium oleander oleander (Nerium oleander oleander)
“Pet poisonous” – Toxic parts: leaves The oleander ( Nerium oleander ), also known (among other names) as flower laurel , pink laurel , baladre , trinitaria and in some cases as a Roman laurel , is the only accepted species belonging to the genus Nerium , of the Apocynaceae family . Etymologically, Adelfa derives from the Greek Dafne , the Laurel , through the Arabic , al-defla. The scientific name derives from the Greek Nerion , origin of the Latin Nerium associated to Nereo , god of the Sea and father of the Nereids . oleander : epithet Latin Olea , ' Olive ', by the similarity of their leaves and dendron tree . They are trees or shrubs up to 6 m high, evergreen . The leaves are linear-lanceolate or narrowly elliptical, opposite or verticillate in number of 3-4, from 0.5-2 by 10-40 cm, with very marked, petiolate , glabrous nerves . The inflorescences , in pauciflous, terminal, corimbiform tops , are composed of flowers , bracteadas and pedicellas , have the calyx more or less reddish, with lanceolate, acute lobes, with glandular hairs on its internal face, slightly welded at its base, and the corolla pink, rarely white, with a multi-colored crown and the same color. The stamens , with straight filaments , are glabrous, with sagittate anthers , densely pubescent on the back, with a small tooth on the lower part of its ventral face that joins the base of thestigma . The gynoecium , with pubescent ovary and without nectaries at the base, is conical, pentalobulated, joined to the anthers and with the stigma covered with a dense gelatinous mass.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
Genus: Nerium