Orinoco apple (Solanum sessiliflorum)
Solanum sessiliflorum, popularly called Cocona (or I túpiro in llingües delles of Orinoquia ), ye one species fanerógama orixinaria of South America tropical and belonging to the family Solanaceae . Cultivate in the countries pol so frutu of prestoso flavor and with interesting properties nutritives cabbage that s'ellaboren zusmios, nectars, mermelaes, sweets, compotes and, n'ocasiones, pal so consuu in frescu. It is a fast-growing plant, first herbal and then semi-woody. It measures from 80 cm to 2 m d'altor. The tarmos are cylindrical hard and abuxada pubescence, dende branches near suelu, thien dogs robustes and bandoneon simple, you alternate, 30 cm × 26 cm, of Marxe ondeáu or serraes with crest face hard cover fluff and blancucia. The inflorescence and axillary in recímanos . The flowers are larger than those of the pataca , they measure 4 to 5 cm in diameter, with a speck of five hard, triangular sepals ; corollawith five petals of color blancuciu or llixeramente mariellu to green claru. The frutu: The frutu varies from almost spherical or ovoid to ovaláu, with 4 to 12 cm d'anchu and 3 to 6 cm of llargu, weighing 24 and 250 g , color from mariellu to acoloratáu. The pulgu nidiu and arrodia the magaya or mesocarpiu, thick, mariella and aguacienta. Paecer a tomato or a rocoto standard redondu in form. Dellos studies showed that eating them or taking the so zusmiu regularly low to cholesterol, similar to the naranxes , but with a more accented effect.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Solanales
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Solanum