Siparuna decipiens (Siparuna decipiens)
The tueru algama has an elevation of 4 m and 12 m and a diametru of 15 cm The fueyes are simple, opposite, d'ovaes to oblongues or ellipticals, with apex d'agudu to acumináu and coles nervaduras marks in the viesu; They measure 10 to 20 cm in length by 5.5 to 9 cm in anchor and the petioles 3 cm in llargu. Les inflorescencies are Axillary 4 to 6 cm llargor in recímanu with short film escaped and gruesu with poques flowers with tepals oliváceos, anteres rosáu verdosu, estilu estimated coritu, ovariu acoloratáu violet foscu and 4 to 6 stames The fruits are drupáceos
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Laurales
Family: Siparunaceae
Genus: Siparuna