Delphinium peregrinum (Delphinium peregrinum)
Delphinium peregrinum and a fanerógama grass of the family of Ranunculaceae . The common names: (hebréu), Violet Larkspur (English) Tien tarmos erect (15-) 30-80 cm, pruinose, tou pubescent or only na base, with ascending escames. Fueyes 1 (-2) palmatisects, with llanceolae lines; cimeres enteres. Flowers intense bluish purple or violet. The periantu (4 petals) minimally pubescent per fora, unite llateral 7 to 10 mm, more curtiu than the spur. The sepals are the longest that the periantu; and 3 to 6 vegaes more llargu qu'anchu. The fruits have many large pubescent. Venenu Toos them parts of the plant alkaloid contién l' delfinidina that ye well tóxicu: Vultures to inxerilo if ye in large cantidaes causes death. In miniscules cantidaes, the extracts used in herbal medicine peregrinum.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Ranunculales
Family: Ranunculaceae
Genus: Delphinium