Rumex sanguineus (Rumex sanguineus)
Rumex sanguineus L. , and a species of the family of poligonacees . Meet in Central Europe we damp wet, and also, the mountains alteriaos. Perennial plant qu'algama an altor of 50 to 80 (rarely 120) centimeters. The tarmos are colored. The base of the fireworks are oblong-aovalaes. The tarmu is as llargu as it was. This green color is drained, and has a length of 14 centimeters and up to 6 centimeters d'anchor. Na top part of the tarmu tán fireworks, which are arredondiaes na base or wedge-shaped. The inflorescencies nun florien until half of the year. The recímanos flowers are rather lax. Most of the flowers are hermaphrodites , although there are cases in which the flowers are monoecious. The interior of the fruits are narrow-oblong, from 3 to 3,8 centimeters from llargu and 0,5 to 1,5 mm d'anchu, they have a very thin crust. Namái the frontier part has a large spherical bárabu. The fruits are drained brown, from 1'6 to 2 millimeters of llargu. The tarmu of the frutu e muncho more llargu que'l frutu. The number of chromosomes and 2n = 20
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Polygonaceae
Genus: Rumex