Plantsnap – Identify Plants, Trees, Mushrooms With An App

Digitaria porrecta (Digitaria porrecta)


Digitaria porrecta is a perennial,loosely tufted,erect or ascending grass up to 60 cm tall;the culms are branched and the nodes are pubescent.The leaf sheaths are glabrous,or with a few hairs especially towards the base;the ligules are membranous,2 to 3 mm long;the leaf blades are linear,the apex attenuate,5 to 15 cm x 0.3 to 0.4 cm,pubescent or glabrous.Inflorescence panicles of several racemes,racemes up to 25 cm long,lower most racemes whorled,branched,branches divaricate,3 to 10 cm long,upper racemes solitary;spikelets in pairs,5 to 7 mm long;lower glume 1 to 1.5 mm long,upper glume somewhat shorter than spikelet,pubescent between the outer nerves,hairs at first appressed,at length spreading and woolly;lower florets with lemma as long as spikelet,pubescent between the outer nerves,hairs at first appressed,at length spreading and woolly;upper florets shorter than spikelet (Stanley,1989).

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum:

        • Class: Liliopsida

          • Order: Poales

            • Family: Poaceae

              • Genus: Digitaria