Lapland Reedgrass (Calamagrostis lapponica)
Perennial,loosely tufted,shortly rhizomatous.Culms erect from a geniculate base,60?130 cm tall,2?3 mm in diam.,smooth,3-noded.Leaf sheaths smooth;leaf blades flat or involute,10?30 cm,2?6 mm wide,adaxial surface loosely pubescent,abaxial surface scabrid;ligule 2?4(?6) mm,lacerate.Panicle loosely contracted,(5?)10?25 × 2?3(?8) cm;branches erect or ascending,1?3(?4) cm,scabrid,lower 1/3 bare.Spikelets 4?6 mm,purplish brown or yellowish green;glumes ovate-lanceolate,subequal,4?5 mm,lower glume 1-veined,upper glume 3-veined,scabrid on upper back and veins,apex acuminate;callus hairs 3/4?4/5 length of lemma;lemma 3?4(?5) mm,apex denticulate;awn arising from lower 1/3 of lemma,ca.3 mm,weakly geniculate,slightly twisted;palea 2/3 as long as lemma;rachilla 1?1.5 mm,including hairs 3?4 mm.Anthers ca.2 mm.Fl.Jul-Aug.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Calamagrostis