Corydalis brevirostrata tibetica (Corydalis brevirostrata tibetica)
Herbs, annual or biennial, 20-40 cm tall. Stems ridged, diffusely much branched from base and above. Cauline leaves: petiole 3-8 cm, vaginate; blade slightly glaucous abaxially, triangular-ovate, 1-5 - 1.5-6 cm, thin, ternate to biternate; leaflets shortly petiolate, deeply 2-4-divided, sometimes again cut; ultimate lobules obovate, obtuse. Racemes 3-8-flowered, very dense in flower, much elongating in fruit; lower bracts like upper cauline leaves, upper bracts smaller and less divided. Pedicel to 5 mm in flower, elongating to 10-20 mm and - arcu- ate in fruit. Sepals ca. 0.5 - 1 mm, dentate. Corolla pale yellow, with pale green keels; outer petals navicular-ovate, apex acute or shortly acuminate, not crested or with short dentate crest; upper petal 11-15 mm; spur slightly attenuate and slightly downcurved toward apex, 4-6 mm; nectary extended through ca. 1/2 of spur; inner petals 7-8 mm, claw ca. as long as limb. Stigma square, with 4 short and broad apical papillae, a pair of lateral geminate papillae, and a pair of basal geminate papillae on distinct basal lobes. Capsule linear-oblong, square in cross section, 15-20 - ca. 2 mm, 6-10-seeded, apically attenuate into narrow beak 2-3 mm, tipped by short style ca. 1 mm. Seeds in 1 row, 1.7-1.9 mm, smooth. Fl. and fr. Jun-Aug.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Ranunculales
Family: Papaveraceae
Genus: Corydalis