Confusing lady's tresses (Sotoa confusa)
Plants 2.5-5 dm. Roots 7-12, tuberous, fasciculate, large, 12 - 1 cm, fleshy. Stems with 6-9 bladeless cauline sheaths. Leaves absent at anthesis, 2-3, mostly basal; petiole not distinct; blade linear-lanceolate, 15-30 - 2-3.5 cm. Inflorescences to 15 deflexed flowers, secund or loosely spiraled, 6-18 cm, glandular-pubescent; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, striate-veined, 1-2.5 cm, apex acuminate. Flowers pink or dull brown to purplish with green veins; sepals recurved, 3-veined, glandular-pubescent; dorsal sepal elliptic-obovate, abruptly tapering to apex, concave, slightly constricted to form sac 12-19 - 4.2-5.2 mm; lateral sepals linear-lanceolate, somewhat sigmoid, 11-17 - 2-3.5 mm, apex acute, glandular-pubescent on outer surface; petals linear-oblanceolate, sigmoid, 3-5-veined; lip whitish pink with green veins, 13-20 mm, strongly pandurate, basal portion orbiculate, 7-10 mm wide, pubescent, apical portion suborbiculate, 5-6 mm wide, margins crenulate or erose; column flattened, 8 mm; rostellum cuspidate; anther abaxial; pedicellate ovary green, stout, 10 - 3 mm.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Genus: Sotoa