Jumellea lignosa lignosa (Jumellea lignosa lignosa)
Stems ligneous,upright and rigid,leaves short (6-8 x 2-2.5 cm).Peduncle short (l cm),entirely covered by the sheaths.with the apical of which covering the base of the bract: bract lasting,coriaceous,green when live,compressed,carinate dorsally and heavily veined,obtuse and 15 mm long,flowers white,divisions thick.Sepals and petals attenuate from the base to the apex.Labellum 30-32 mm long,shortly unguiculate basally,then oval-lanceolate and acute,much wider (10-12 mm) above the center,attenuate to a point on the unguis,veins slightly projecting on the upper surface;with a single keel toward the base,thick and 1 mm tall,spur filiform,pendent,10-11cm long.Column 6.5 mm tall;auricles wide,ax shaped,the 2 angles obtuse,the superior more developed than the inferior,median tooth of the rostellum very short (0.6 mm),clinandrium notched on the posterior margin and gibbous in front of this sinus.Anther thickened behind,depressed medially and indented on the front margin (in the form of a saddle);pollina with their cauda retracted;retinacles 2,sub triangular.Pedicel thick,4.5 cm long.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Genus: Jumellea