Eriaxis rigida (Eriaxis rigida)
Eriaxis rigida is a plant from the family of orchids (Orchidaceae). It is the only species of the genus Eriaxis and isnativeto New CaledoniaEriaxis rigida is a herbaceous terrestrial- growing, perennial plant. Their roots are long, thick and brittle. The stem axis grows upright and is sometimes branched. A leaf springs from each node The leaves are green, oval, leathery, have a thickened edge and a net-shaped Blattnervatur. The racemose inflorescence contains striking, resupinated flowers The petals are not fused together. The three sepals are white, brown at the top, all the same size, widely spread, oval, thick, fleshy and have a dense hairy underside. The petals are white or pale pink, oval, also widely spread, thick, fleshy and glabrous. The lip is three-lobed, white and has a magenta border. Along the lip runs a series of yellowish scales and bristles. The side lobes stand upright and cover the column The column is bent, at the end of which it bears the stamina, which is strongly bent downwards in relation to the axis of the column The stamen is surrounded like a hood by tissue of the column (Klinandrium). The pollenis loosely present as single pollen grains (monads) and is not glued to pollinia The ovary is three-chambered, hairy, white, tortuous and ribbed. The capsule fruit is elongated and upright. It opens on six longitudinal septa and contains numerous seeds
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Genus: Eriaxis