Cynorkis tenuicalcar tenuicalcar (Cynorkis tenuicalcar tenuicalcar)
Plants terrestrial,13-23 cm tall;tubers 2,elongated;leaf solitary,developed,oblanceolate (4-10 x 0.6-1.4cm.),acute or acuminate,attenuate-sub petiolate toward the base;scape glabrous,thin,with 2-3 sheaths with a very acuminate limbus;inflorescence (5 x 3 cm) 3-10 flowered,flowers glabrous,of average size (1.8-2 cm including the pedicel),of a pretty red-violet;bracts half or more than half as long as the pedicel.Sepals 3 veined,the median (4 x 3mw.) hood shaped with the petals,oval-lanceolate and sub acute,the laterals larger (8 mm),obovate and nearly apiculate.Petals (5 x 2 mm) lingulate-obtuse and 1-2 veined.Labellum entire,oblong (5-8 x 2.5 mm),not attenuate basally,slightly obtuse,provided basally with a small conical appendage.5 veined,spur filiform,2.7 cm long.Anther (l mm) retuse,cauda l mm long,enlarged at the pollina;viscidiums white,oblong (0.6 mm) and obtuse at both ends: staminodes very narrow.Rostellum with the arms 1.3 mm long,thick and slightly curved inward;median lobe of the rostellum longer than the arms,taller than the anther by a third,wide basally,obtuse apically,recurved between the 2 lobes of the anther.Stigmas widely spatulate,free in their upper two thirds,joined by their internal margins basally and slightly apically,forming a wide open notch apically and open medially with a wide elliptical vent.Pedicel glabrous,1-1.3 cm
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Genus: Cynorkis