Thomas' Bird'S-Eye Bush (Ochna thomasiana)
"Lenticellate twigs and branchlets; broadly elliptic leaf blades, more or less cordate at the base and clasping the stem; and the 5-8 prominent, long cilia on the margin of the blade in the basal half. There are up to 12 glossy black drupelets borne erect on the red, waxy receptacle with reflexed red sepals." (Herbarium Pacificum Staff 1998, Wagner et al. 1999). "Shrub to 2 m high (6 1/2 ft) or more. Leaves simple, alternate, blade elliptic, 3-12 cm long (1 1/4-5 in), glabrous, with bristle-toothed margins. Flowers intermittently during the year; flowers several, borne in axillary and terminal clusters. Corolla of five free, obovate, yellow petals 1.8-2.5 cm long (3/4-1 in), with many yellow stamens in the center. Fruit composed of one to five black ovoid drupelets 7-10 mm long (1/4-3/8 in) borne on a fleshy red disk around the long, red style, with a red, persistent calyx."
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Ochnaceae
Genus: Ochna