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Myrcianthes fajardensis (Myrcianthes fajardensis)


Myrcianthes fragrans is a species of plant that belongs to the family Myrtaceae, some of its common names are: Guayabillo, Anal'ipu che male, Koj kaan Shrubs or trees that grow up to 15 m. Terete or compressed twigs; brown-reddish, smooth, exfoliating, finally glabrous. Leaves simple, elliptical to obovate, the blades 2-9 × 1.7-3 cm, 1.5-3 times longer than broad, coriaceous, olive green or light brown when drying, both surfaces pale or more pale on the underside; middle vein printed on the upper side of the beam; Lateral veins 10-14 per side, veins intermediate, straight, little marked to very marked on both surfaces in mature or elevated leaves on the underside; straight marginal ribs, 1-2 mm from the margins; beam and undersides glabrescentes or with hairs scattered, appressed, commonly more persistent along the middle vein of the beam; numerous and small glands on both surfaces; base cuneate or narrowly cuneate; flattened or revolute margins near the base, decurrent on the petiole; apex acuminate to obtusely sharp or rounded, tip retusa on some plants; petioles 2.5-10 mm, adaxially grooved, sericeous or glabrescent. Axillary inflorescences, solitary; the peduncles measure 20-60 × 1-2 mm, compressed, attenuating from the apex toward the base, sericeous to glabrescent; flowers (1) 3-7; bracts 2-4 mm, deciduous in the anthesis or before it, linear, sericeous, the ciliated margins, the rounded apex; buttons 3-4 mm, obovoid, sericeous. The sessile or pedicellate flowers, the sessile terminal flower, the sessile or more commonly pedicellate lateral flowers, the pedicels 3-10 mm, compressed, sericeous; bract it 2-4 mm, deciduous in the anthesis or before it, linear, sericeous, the ciliated margins, the rounded apex; hypanthium 2-3 mm, obconic to campanulate, grossly seric, the hairs 0.2-0.4 mm, cineréos or white, contrasting with the wolves of the calyx, green; wolves of calyx 4 or 5, the number frequently variable in the same plant, 1.5-2.2 × 1.3-2 mm, similar in size or the fifth smallest, deltoid to broadly ovate, the outer surface finally glabrescent, the internal surface persistently seric , the margins ciliate, the apex obtusely acute or rounded; petals 4 or 5, in equal numbers to the wolves of the calyx, 3.5-5 × 3.5-5 mm, oblong or obovate, the margins ciliated or with few hairs, the apex rounded; disk 3-4 mm in diameter, round or square, the staminal ring generally hairy; stamens 100-150, 3-9 mm; 4-8 mm style, glabrous or thinly hairy. The fruits are 6-15 × 6-15 mm, globose or ovate; The pericarp is thin, glandular, glabrous or with few persistent hairs; chalice persistent, erect; the fruit is black-purple when ripe.2 3

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum: Tracheophyta

        • Class: Magnoliopsida

          • Order: Myrtales

            • Family: Myrtaceae

              • Genus: Myrtales