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Turpentine Weed (Trichostema laxum)


Trichostema laxum is an annual herb approaching 5 decimetres (1.6 ft) in maximum height. Its aromatic foliage, with a strong turpentine odor, is coated in glandular and nonglandular hairs. The lanceolate to narrowly ovate leaves are up to 7 centimeters long. The inflorescence is a series of clusters of flowers located at each leaf pair. Each flower has a hairy calyx of green or reddish sepals and a tubular, lipped purple corolla. The four stamens are long and curved, measuring up to 1.6 centimeters in length. Its bloom period is from June to October.

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum: Magnoliophyta

        • Class: Magnoliopsida

          • Order: Lamiales

            • Family: Lamiaceae

              • Genus: Trichostema