Snowy mintbush (Prostanthera nivea)
Prostanthera nivea, commonly known as snowy mintbush, is a shrub that is native to Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria in Australia.It grows to between 1 and 4 metres high and is found in sclerophyll forest, woodland and heath. Its flowers appear in spring in the leaf axils, tending to be clustered towards the ends of branches.They are about 14 to 18 mm long and white or mauve, with a yellow-spotted throat.The leaves are long and narrow, 10 to 50 mm long and 0.5 to 2 mm wide
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Prostanthera