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Loxocalyx urticifolius decemnervius (Loxocalyx urticifolius decemnervius)


Herbs,born from the thin clusters of fibrous roots.Stems erect,1-1.3 m tall,obtuse quadrangular,with troughs,many branched,branches thin,with flowers,stems,branches glabrous or sparsely puberulent.Leaves broadly or ovate-ovate,sometimes bracts on hips branches lanceolate,4.5-12 cm long,2-7 cm wide,apex long acuminate,apically extensorate,base cuneate,Round,truncated to heart-shaped,the edge of the thick jagged teeth,membranous,above the green,sparse short hair,the following light green,very sparse short hair,obviously with fine points,4 pairs,both sides of the obvious,the following is particularly prominent,during which fine veins network,petiole 1-6 cm long,thin,sparsely puberulent or nearly glabrous.Paralyzed inflorescence sometimes in single leaf axils for single flowers,but often with 3-6 flowers;bracts bracts,ca.2 mm;pedicels short,less than 1 mm.Calyx long 1-1.5 cm,tubular,outside the veins on the fine thorns,the rest are fine and nearly glabrous,inside the glabrous,veins 8,after 3 teeth 2 intervening veins disappear,significant,teeth 5,than calyx tube Short,long triangular or oval,two lips,the first two teeth together,than after 3 teeth long,after 3 teeth near the big,tooth tip for the sharp tip.Corolla rose red,purple or dark purple to dark red,ca.1.5 cm,exserted pubescent,inner veins slightly pubescent at base,sparsely scalded,Stretch,crown eaves two lips,upper lip oblong oval,ca.5 mm,full,lower lip open,3-lobed,lobes slightly larger,oblong,apex slightly absent,lateral lobes suborbicular.Stamens 4,are extended to the upper lip under the front of the longer,are inserted in the corolla throat,filaments flat,puberulent,anthers ovoid,two rooms,Styles slender,slightly protruding from upper lip,apically equal 2-lobed.Flower plate flat top,fruit elongated.Nuts ovate-triangular,abaxially ribbed,chestnut brown.Flowering 7-8 months,fruit in September.Hubei,Sichuan,Guizhou,northeastern Yunnan,southern Shaanxi,eastern Gansu,western Henan and southwest of Hebei;born in the forest under the valley,wet,1200-2700 meters above sea level.And other model specimens collected from Hubei Xingshan,Fangxian and Sichuan Wushan.

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum:

        • Class: Magnoliopsida

          • Order: Lamiales

            • Family: Lamiaceae

              • Genus: Loxocalyx