Chalk liveforever (Dudleya pulverulenta)
Dudleya pulverulenta is a succulent plant known by the common names chalk lettuce, chalk dudleya, and chalk liveforever. This dudleya is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, where it is found in steep open rocky areas in coastal and inland mountains and desert foothills, such as the Santa Monica Mountains. Dudleya pulverulenta grows a rosette of wide, flat fleshy leaves of pale green which age to a pinkish papery texture. It produces one to many tall erect stems which are similar in color. The epidermis of the plant is covered with a dense coating of chalky, powdery "wax". Its pale green or white nodding or erect inflorescences bear many pinkish flowers, each on a long pedicel. The plant tolerates full sun exposure or part shade. It is susceptible to aphid infestations which result in flower and rosette deformities. Openly hybridizes with several other species. Plant appears to have very good cold tolerance when mature and has survive temperatures of 18 degrees F in a local garden with no ill effects. Higher temperatures are also tolerated well by Dudleya with the white chalky and mealy "wax" coatings, which reflect light and prevent evaporation. Plants are very rapid recolonizers as evidenced by proliferation on roadcuts shortly after development. A much hardier plant for the garden environment than the more commonly available Dudleya brittoni.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Saxifragales
Family: Crassulaceae
Genus: Dudleya