Knautia arvensis rosea (Knautia arvensis rosea)
Field Scabiosa Honeysuckle Family � Caprifoliaceae. (formerly Teasel Family � Dipsacaceae) Growing form: Perennial herb. Rootstock long, branching. Height: 30�80 cm (12�32 in.). Stem upper part branching, with short and quite rough hairs. Flower: Inflorescence a flower-like, flattish capitulum, 3�4 cm (1.2�1.6 in.) across. Florets irregular (zygomorphic), bluish-lilac, fused, funnel-shaped, 4-lobed, 1 lobe usually larger than rest, marginal florets larger and more irregular than others. Calyx small, many-lobed. Stamens 4. Gynoecium composed of 2 fused carpels. Capitula solitary terminating stem and branches. Involucrar bracts in 2 rows, leafy, ovate, soft-haired. Leaves: Opposite, short-stalked�stalkless. Blade lanceolate�elliptic, basal leaves with quite entire or toothed margins, soft-haired, greyish green, stem-leaves usually pinnately lobed, lobes narrow, terminal leaflet big (occasionally all leaves entire). Fruit: Achene. Habitat: River banks, hillside meadows, meadows, pastures, waste ground, field and road banks, light-filled forests, logging clearings, former slash-and-burn areas.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Dipsacales
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Genus: Knautia