Jamaican caper (Capparis prejamaicensis)
Capparis cynophallophora, commonly known as the Jamaican caper, is small tree in the caper family, Capparaceae, that is native to the neotropics. The brand new leaves at the apical tips of twigs are folded in half showing only the whitish, hairy abaxial (lower or ventral) side of the leaf. The adexical (upper or dorsal) side of the leaf is glossy and darker. Fruits are long and split to release several large, brown seeds. Capparis is a flowering plant genus in the family Capparaceae which is included in the Brassicaceae in the unrevised APG II system. These plants are shrubs or lianas and are collectively known as caper shrubs or caperbushes. Capparis species occur over a wide range of habitat in the subtropical and tropical zones.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Brassicales
Family: Capparaceae
Genus: Brassicales