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Caraguata (Caraguata)


The caraguatá ( Bromelia balansae ), also known as, is a plant of the family Bromeliaceae. It has long leaves with strong thorns at the edges and a reddish-purple color when in bloom. The fibers contained in the fruit of this plant are used to prepare clothes, belts and bags. Such fibers have already been the subject of commercial exploitation attempts in Paraguay and Argentina during the 19th century. The fruits, which are produced from March to June, are appreciated raw, cooked or roasted and were important in feeding the Bororo Indians . Also, the rhizome, the inflorescence and the floral bud, usually raw or cooked.

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum:

        • Class: Liliopsida

          • Order: Poales

            • Family: Bromeliaceae

              • Genus: Caraguata