Lappula sinaica (Lappula sinaica)
An erect usually sparsely branched annual up to 40 cm tall.Stem and branches covered with appressed to subappressed hairs.Basal leaves spathulate to ± oblanceolate,petiolate,including petiole 12-40 x 4-12 mm,covered on both surfaces with sub-appressed hairs.Upper leaves sessile.Pedicels very short to obsolete,3-8 mm and ± recurved in fruit.Calyx lobes c.1.5 mm long,hairy.Corolla blue or deeply so,with a white or yellow eye;tube 2.5-3 mm long.Nutlets c.2 mm ovoid,minutely verrucate-tuberculate;margin ± indistinct,sometimes with few glochidiate appendages.Style slender,exceeding nutlets.
Taxonomic tree
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Boraginales
Family: Boraginaceae
Genus: Lappula